因適逢勞動節補假,本公司於2021年4月30日(五) 暫停營業,造成不便敬請見諒。
#internationalmayday #laborday #papergiftbag #paperbagmanufacturers #syncmen #syncmenbag
因適逢勞動節補假,本公司於2021年4月30日(五) 暫停營業,造成不便敬請見諒。
#internationalmayday #laborday #papergiftbag #paperbagmanufacturers #syncmen #syncmenbag
New construction has been completed within one month, and we can’t wait to see and test all machinery. We’re going to offer competitive products by high performance- high professional, high quality, and high efficiency.
Stay tuned!
#客製化紙袋 #機械製袋 #新科包裝#paperbagmanufacturers #paperbagswithhandles #custompaperbags #syncmen bag #syncmen
Syncmen was established in 2003 and we go toward the eighteenth year. Syncmen invests significant amounts of time and energy in a new location and automatic machinery to offer competitive products in the shortest amount of time. New construction starts on Mar. 1st ,2021. Please watch for more reports in upcoming news! Stay tuned!