Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Announcing The Pantone Color Of The Year 2021/ Pantone 2021年の色が決定/ Pantone 2021年度代表色出爐


Pantone Color Institute selects pantone color of the Year annually. Pantone’s color experts look for new colors which encourage feelings of steadiness and warmly. The picks for the year 2021 are Pantone 17-5104 Ultimate Gray and Pantone 13-0647 Illuminating.

Ultimate Gray

Ultimate Gray is the color of resilience, of strength, which assures and encourages composure and steadiness. Pantone Color Institute picks it because of its associations with natural elements such as solid rocks.


Illuminating is the color of optimism: bright and sunny, which symbolizes vitality, hope, and positivity that we all need in this special moment. Pantone Color Institute picks it because of its associations with natural elements such as the warmly sun.

Would you like to follow global color trends?  Syncmen specializes in printing technology and has an ability to display color of the year 2021 perfectly.  Welcome to contact with Syncmenbag.

12月末に、パントン(PANTONE®)社が発表する毎年恒例の代表的な色「カラー・オブ・ザ・イヤー(Color of the Year)」。2021年の代表色は、強さを象徴する「アルティメイトグレー(Ultimate Gray)」と楽観的な「イルミネーティング( Illuminating)」です。不確実性を克服するために、皆に安定と暖かさを与えることを楽しみにしています。

アルティメイトグレー ( Ultimate Gray )
パントンは、アルティメイトグレー(PANTONE 17-5104)が安定した信頼できる要素を象徴していると信じています。ビーチの石の色は自然の最も基本的な要素です。風や霜を通り抜けても、テストに耐えることができ、人々の心を静かに落ち着かせ、落ち着きと安定性と強さを促進します。

イルミネーティング( Illuminating)
この情熱的で大胆な明るい黄色(PANTONE 13-0647)は、私たちの活力の追求を満たします。太陽のように暖かく、新年のエネルギー、純粋さ、希望の追求を表しています。将来の不確実性を継続的に克服することはてきます。


國際色彩權威PANTONE®彩通每年都會選出年度代表色 Pantone在12月底揭曉2021年的年度代表色,是象徵樂觀與力量的「極致灰」(Ultimate Gray)與「亮麗黃」( Illuminating),在新的一年期盼給與大家克服不確定感的安定與溫暖。

極致灰 Ultimate Gray
Pantone認為,極致灰(PANTONE 17-5104 )象徵的是穩定又可靠的素質,沙灘上的石子色彩,就是大自然最基本的元素,即便經歷風霜還是經得起考驗,默默的安定人心、促發鎮靜、穩定跟韌性。

亮麗黃 Illuminating


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Sunday, December 27, 2020

Happy Christmas Party/ シンクメンのクリスマスパーティー/ 2020新科聖誕派對

On December 25th of this year, Syncmenbag held a Christmas party. There were Gift exchange, Christmas dinners and a group recreation game. People who lost the game would be punished! Everyone are happy! Syncmenbag hopes to warm this Christmas with enthusiasm, and pass the joy to everyone to welcome the brand new 2021!!



#giftexchange #giftpackaging #christmasparty #merrychristmas #syncmenbag #syncmen #シンクメン #新科包裝

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Wish Merry Christmas and Happy 2021!!/ メリークリスマス&良いお年をお迎えください!


Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season and warm wishes for 2021!!



Monday, December 21, 2020

2020 Company hiking activities/ シンクメン社全体のハイキング活動-火炎山/ 新科健行活動-火炎山

On December 12, 2020, Syncmen Team reached the top of Huoyan Mountain

Syncmenbag is still very energetic in December. Although it was difficult to get started, through everyone’s mental shouting and synchronized adjustments, the overall situation gradually improved!The superb view of the valley, laughter and joy, pay attention to safety, and gather the hearts, which made this event a very successful completion.

RPET products are really easy to use! Everyone pays attention to avoid using side backpacks when climbing, because you need to adjust your body balance all the time. The tiffany blue RPET sport bag is very suitable for climbing! Many people have encountered the problem of degumming the soles, this time It happened that the soles of the team members were degumming. Fortunately, there are shoes with RPET shoe bags!



また、RPET製品はとても使いやすいです!登るときはショルダーバックを使わないように、それは常に体のバランスを調整する必要があるのです。アザーブルーのrPET スポーツバッグは山登りに非常に適しています!多くの人が靴底の脱ガムの問題に遭遇したことがあるでしょう。今回はチームメンバーのソールが脱ガムしていたのですが、rPET靴バッグが持っていたのは幸いです!


#rpet bag #recycle plastic bags #sport bag #shoes bag #syncmen #syncmenbag #エコ製品 #シンクメン #新科包裝

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Process of ink toning/ インク調色プロセス/ 油墨調色過程


Process of ink toning

1.Pour the required ink color ratio into the mixing tank

2.Start mixing (using mechanical mixing)

3.The desired ink color gradually appears

4. Continue to stir, it takes 45 to 60 minutes to complete







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Monday, December 7, 2020

Printing inks introduction/ 紙袋の印刷用インクについてご存知ですか/ 紙袋的印刷油墨你了解嗎?— 印刷材料(油墨介紹)

*日本の方 詳細な情報は弊社のHPへhttps://www.syncmenbag.com/news-detail/jp/71

 Several key elements go into developing beautiful and durable paper carrier bags.

1. Paper: white kraft papers, brown kraft papers, art papers, FSC papers, recycled papers

2. Printing: 

 type: screen printing, offset printing, flexo printing, gravure printing

color: single-color printing( spot color), graduated fill printing (a halftone produced with a dot percentage of less than 100%. ),multicolor printing

3. Adhesive: hot glue, resin

4. Handle: polyester ropes, twisted paper, ribbons

In addition to paper material, a luxurious and elegant paper carrier bag depends on printing process.  However, traditional solvent inks have higher volatile organic compound content and they are harmful to the environment.

Syncmenbag is devoted to eco-friendly products, and our inks are vegetable-oil-based inks which made in Germany- Huber INK group.  Cobalt-free inks are eco-friendly which passed REACH SVHC inspection by SGS certification.

Welcome to visit our website and order now!