Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Announcing The Pantone Color Of The Year 2021/ Pantone 2021年の色が決定/ Pantone 2021年度代表色出爐


Pantone Color Institute selects pantone color of the Year annually. Pantone’s color experts look for new colors which encourage feelings of steadiness and warmly. The picks for the year 2021 are Pantone 17-5104 Ultimate Gray and Pantone 13-0647 Illuminating.

Ultimate Gray

Ultimate Gray is the color of resilience, of strength, which assures and encourages composure and steadiness. Pantone Color Institute picks it because of its associations with natural elements such as solid rocks.


Illuminating is the color of optimism: bright and sunny, which symbolizes vitality, hope, and positivity that we all need in this special moment. Pantone Color Institute picks it because of its associations with natural elements such as the warmly sun.

Would you like to follow global color trends?  Syncmen specializes in printing technology and has an ability to display color of the year 2021 perfectly.  Welcome to contact with Syncmenbag.

12月末に、パントン(PANTONE®)社が発表する毎年恒例の代表的な色「カラー・オブ・ザ・イヤー(Color of the Year)」。2021年の代表色は、強さを象徴する「アルティメイトグレー(Ultimate Gray)」と楽観的な「イルミネーティング( Illuminating)」です。不確実性を克服するために、皆に安定と暖かさを与えることを楽しみにしています。

アルティメイトグレー ( Ultimate Gray )
パントンは、アルティメイトグレー(PANTONE 17-5104)が安定した信頼できる要素を象徴していると信じています。ビーチの石の色は自然の最も基本的な要素です。風や霜を通り抜けても、テストに耐えることができ、人々の心を静かに落ち着かせ、落ち着きと安定性と強さを促進します。

イルミネーティング( Illuminating)
この情熱的で大胆な明るい黄色(PANTONE 13-0647)は、私たちの活力の追求を満たします。太陽のように暖かく、新年のエネルギー、純粋さ、希望の追求を表しています。将来の不確実性を継続的に克服することはてきます。


國際色彩權威PANTONE®彩通每年都會選出年度代表色 Pantone在12月底揭曉2021年的年度代表色,是象徵樂觀與力量的「極致灰」(Ultimate Gray)與「亮麗黃」( Illuminating),在新的一年期盼給與大家克服不確定感的安定與溫暖。

極致灰 Ultimate Gray
Pantone認為,極致灰(PANTONE 17-5104 )象徵的是穩定又可靠的素質,沙灘上的石子色彩,就是大自然最基本的元素,即便經歷風霜還是經得起考驗,默默的安定人心、促發鎮靜、穩定跟韌性。

亮麗黃 Illuminating


#paperbag #custompaperbags #pantonecolor #ecofriendlyinks #papercarrierbag #syncmen #syncmenbag #papergiftbag #シンクメンパッケージ #新科包裝

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Happy Christmas Party/ シンクメンのクリスマスパーティー/ 2020新科聖誕派對

On December 25th of this year, Syncmenbag held a Christmas party. There were Gift exchange, Christmas dinners and a group recreation game. People who lost the game would be punished! Everyone are happy! Syncmenbag hopes to warm this Christmas with enthusiasm, and pass the joy to everyone to welcome the brand new 2021!!



#giftexchange #giftpackaging #christmasparty #merrychristmas #syncmenbag #syncmen #シンクメン #新科包裝

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Wish Merry Christmas and Happy 2021!!/ メリークリスマス&良いお年をお迎えください!


Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season and warm wishes for 2021!!



Monday, December 21, 2020

2020 Company hiking activities/ シンクメン社全体のハイキング活動-火炎山/ 新科健行活動-火炎山

On December 12, 2020, Syncmen Team reached the top of Huoyan Mountain

Syncmenbag is still very energetic in December. Although it was difficult to get started, through everyone’s mental shouting and synchronized adjustments, the overall situation gradually improved!The superb view of the valley, laughter and joy, pay attention to safety, and gather the hearts, which made this event a very successful completion.

RPET products are really easy to use! Everyone pays attention to avoid using side backpacks when climbing, because you need to adjust your body balance all the time. The tiffany blue RPET sport bag is very suitable for climbing! Many people have encountered the problem of degumming the soles, this time It happened that the soles of the team members were degumming. Fortunately, there are shoes with RPET shoe bags!



また、RPET製品はとても使いやすいです!登るときはショルダーバックを使わないように、それは常に体のバランスを調整する必要があるのです。アザーブルーのrPET スポーツバッグは山登りに非常に適しています!多くの人が靴底の脱ガムの問題に遭遇したことがあるでしょう。今回はチームメンバーのソールが脱ガムしていたのですが、rPET靴バッグが持っていたのは幸いです!


#rpet bag #recycle plastic bags #sport bag #shoes bag #syncmen #syncmenbag #エコ製品 #シンクメン #新科包裝

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Process of ink toning/ インク調色プロセス/ 油墨調色過程


Process of ink toning

1.Pour the required ink color ratio into the mixing tank

2.Start mixing (using mechanical mixing)

3.The desired ink color gradually appears

4. Continue to stir, it takes 45 to 60 minutes to complete







#kraftpaperbags #whitepaperbags #paperbagswithhandles #custompaperbags #papercarrierbag #syncmen #syncmenbag #papergiftbag #新科包裝

Monday, December 7, 2020

Printing inks introduction/ 紙袋の印刷用インクについてご存知ですか/ 紙袋的印刷油墨你了解嗎?— 印刷材料(油墨介紹)

*日本の方 詳細な情報は弊社のHPへhttps://www.syncmenbag.com/news-detail/jp/71

 Several key elements go into developing beautiful and durable paper carrier bags.

1. Paper: white kraft papers, brown kraft papers, art papers, FSC papers, recycled papers

2. Printing: 

 type: screen printing, offset printing, flexo printing, gravure printing

color: single-color printing( spot color), graduated fill printing (a halftone produced with a dot percentage of less than 100%. ),multicolor printing

3. Adhesive: hot glue, resin

4. Handle: polyester ropes, twisted paper, ribbons

In addition to paper material, a luxurious and elegant paper carrier bag depends on printing process.  However, traditional solvent inks have higher volatile organic compound content and they are harmful to the environment.

Syncmenbag is devoted to eco-friendly products, and our inks are vegetable-oil-based inks which made in Germany- Huber INK group.  Cobalt-free inks are eco-friendly which passed REACH SVHC inspection by SGS certification.

Welcome to visit our website and order now!

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Business Weekly covers how syncmenbag achieves a global promotion successfully/ シンクメン-ビジネス週刊誌インタビュー記事


Syncmenbag devoted itself to packaging industry since 2013.  With over 17 years in the packaging industry, we win the favor of international buyers by our expertise, high quality as well as excellent customer service.

Syncmenbag was awarded for” paragon of starting a business” in 2018 Alibaba B2B leading summit, and Business Weekly covers how syncmenbag achieves a global promotion successfully and how Syncmenbag thrives from one-owned company to a seven experienced sales operated company.  Not only integrate production line, but we also help customers decrease cost by sharing our expertise and knowledge.  This is why Syncmenbag are capable of achieving successful company and create a win-win situation.

Time management- To deliver cargos on time, Syncmenbag has profession sales coordinators to monitor manufacturing process and reply a progress report. 

Printing-Syncmenbag regards printing as important sector, and we purchase new pantone formula guides every two or three years and update replacements with printing plants in order to prevent misunderstanding.

Furthermore, in order to settle dispute from personal factors, we use spectrum analyzer to control quality and it offers digitization and scientific information for correct judgment.

Quality- Syncmenbag is reliable vender since we has in process quality control and final quality control before shipment to ensure quality assurance.  If inspection reports do not meet our quality manual, we informs customers and take a follow-up treatment based on the principle of good faith.

Syncmenbag is skilled at integrating upstream, midstream and downstream companies; therefore, we have the strongest teamwork.  As reported from Business Weekly, all customers benefit from high quality and excellent service we provide, and they profits and grows a bigger wholesalers to be a win-win situation.  No matter wholesalers or end-users, we welcome you to become a long-lasting partner!

Friday, October 30, 2020

Wish everyone happy Halloween!/ ハッピー ハロウィン!

The website address (URL) will be changed as follows/ シンクメンのURL変更のお知らせ/ 公司網址更新公告


To boost our visibility internationally, we are pleased to inform you that the website address (URL) will be changed as follows.


 Current URL: https://www.syncmen.com.tw

 New URL: https://www.syncmenbag.com

*It will be automatically redirected from the old URL to the new URL.

●Schedule date

October 15, 2020

What Syncmen offer are competitive price and high quality products- paper carrier bags, paper boxes, round paper tubes, recycled PET bags.  We welcome your inquiries!





これからも倍旧のご愛顧を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。弊社は最恵価格とハイクオリティーのパッケージ(紙袋、紙箱、紙缶、rPETエコパック)を提供致します。 すべてのお問い合わせはいつでも歓迎です。


新科包裝(SYNCMEN)為擴大營運更貼近國際化,將原本網址https://www.syncmen.com.tw 於2020年10月15日更改為https://www.syncmenbag.com,當然舊網址也可以連結至公司網站,歡迎舊雨新知繼續支持新科包裝(SYMCMEN)我將提供優惠價格及高優質的包裝產品(紙袋、紙盒、紙罐、寶特瓶環保紗袋)給客戶們,歡迎各界洽詢。

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Expansion Of Recycled Plastic(rPET) To Many Brands/ rPETが様々なブランドで使用している

It is only few minutes while taking a bottle of drink. However, do you have any idea about how long it takes plastic bottles to naturally decompose? The answer is at least 450 years!

Plastic bottle abuse and recycling became a serious global issue.  A million plastic bottles are produced around the world every minute.  Moreover, plastic bottles aren't recycled at all, and those that do get recycled usually aren't turned into other bottles or recycled again after that. Despite plastic bottles are actually recycled again, beverage brands refuse to use rPET as material.( sourced from Apple Daily)

Citing figures from consumer market research company Euromonitor International, The Guardian reported that more than 480 billion of beverage plastic bottles were sold last year alone. The 2018 annual figure is up more than 180 billion since 2008.  These figures will bump up 583.3 billion bottles by 2021. According to an estimate, 480 billon plastic bottles were purchased globally in 2018 but less than half gets recycled and only 7% of them to be reuse. Meaning most of this waste ends up in our oceans and landfills.   Up to 130,000 tonnes of plastic packaging will end up in the ocean as plastic pollution each year.  If we keep producing plastics, plastics in the ocean will outweigh fish in 2050.

In the light of plastic pollution, many brands start to apply rPET fabrics which are reuse of recycled beverage plastic bottles to their products. Syncmenbag is devoted to 100% rPET bags rather than mixed RPET bags.  Meaning, Syncmenbag not only promote 100% reusable rPET bags, but also have a duty to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

★Anya Hindmarch launched” I Am A Plastic Bag” which is made from recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET) plastic.
★Timberland ReBOTL™ has at least 40% rPET.
★Converse Renew series are made from 100% rPET.
★Adidas set a goal to completely eliminate virgin plastic use by 2024. Adidas shoes are made out of ocean waste, and a pair of shoe is equivalent to eleven plastic bottles.

現代人はプラスチックボトルを濫用しています。世界でプラスチックボトルが毎分100万本以上生産されていることがわかります。リサイクルを試みても実際のリサイクル量はごく僅かであり、一部の飲料メーカーもリサイクルプラスチックを原料として使用することに抵抗を示しています。これは環境保護の厄介な問題になっています。 (蘋果日報による)

ユーロモニター(Euromonitor International)のグローバルパッケージングトレンドレポートによると、昨年は世界中で合計4,800億本のペットボトルが販売され、10年前より1,800億本が増えました。2021年に5,833億缶が増加ことと予測されています。報告書によると、昨年販売されたペットボトルの回収率は半分以下で、リサイクルプラスチックボトルはわずか7%で、残りは埋立地や海に送られました。調査によると、プラスチックは最終的に毎年1,300万トンも海に流入し、2050年までに海中のプラスチック総重量は海中の魚総重量を上回ると推定されています。(英国の「ガーディアン」による)


★2020年にAnya Hindmarchはペットボトルを活用した『I AM A Plastic Bag』が誕生しました。
★Timberland ReBOTL™ の材料には少なくとも40%の再生プラスチックが含まれています。
★Converse Renewシリーズの両方の靴のアッパーは、ペットボトルから抽出された100%再生プラスチックのリサイクルできるポリエステル繊維で作られたrPET糸で作られています。


英國《衞報》報導,巿場調查公司歐睿國際(Euromonitor International)的全球包裝趨勢報告顯示,全球去年一共賣出4800億罐塑膠瓶,比10年前多1800億罐,預計2021年有關數字更會增加至5833億罐。報告指去年售出的塑膠瓶中,回收率有不足一半,而且僅7%回收再製塑膠瓶,其餘都送到堆填區或流入海洋。有研究指,目前每年多達1300萬噸塑膠最終流入海洋,預計到2050年,海洋塑膠量以重量計會多過海中魚類。


★2020年Anya Hindmarch推出以採用由回收寶特瓶而製成的「I Am A Plastic Bag」。
★Timberland ReBOTL™ 物料含有至少40%的循環再造PET。
★Converse Renew系列兩鞋款鞋面皆以100%由塑膠瓶萃取出的可回收聚酯纖維製成rPET紗線製作。

Thursday, October 15, 2020

2020 10 08 Happy Birthday to Fiona

We prepared a surprise birthday cake for Fiona!🍰
Happy candle-blowing, wish-making, cake-eating day!

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Syncmen has a trademark certificate for RPET bag./シンクメン社はRPET Bagの商標認証を取得!

In order to responding with Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance, ESG, Syncmen Enterprise Corp. pursues environmental protection continuously.

Along with our effort, we are awarded FSC certification (License code: FSC-C106353) in 2011 June. Hope Syncmen is better and better for tropical rainforest preservation!

Furthermore, in 2018, Syncmen launches new eco-friends products- Recycled PET Fabric. Recycled PET Fabric is made from PET material which is common used for plastic bottles. (Please visit our website)

Syncmen has the determination to promote Recycled PET Fabric; therefore, we have trademark application and obtain certificate of registration of trademark issued by Republic of China ( R.O.C.) in 2020 Sep. 

Recycled PET Fabric is the global trend of circular economy.  Syncmen Enterprise Corp. has been devoted to environmental friendly packaging and we apply this material to customized bags, so that PET bottles can be reused and recycled for the environmental protection.

Welcome to order customized RPET bags to improve corporate images and make a contribution to the Earth!

シンクメン・エンタープライズ社は環境、社会、企業統治(Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance, ESG)を全世界に反響することにします。この目標を継続的に追求し、懸命に取り組んで、2011年6月にFSC認証(Licence Code: FSC-C106353)を取得しました。シンクメンの紙袋、紙箱などの製品が森林の持続可能な発展に貢献するようにしましょう。

さらに、2018年にはリサイクルPETファブリックを導入し、様々なエコバッグを作成します。RPET (リサイクル・ポリエチレン・テレフタル酸エステル)とは再生プラスチックの事で、回収されPETボトルを使用して分解すると、転換されたエコ糸です。(シンクメンの動画へようこそ)


それは廃棄されたボトルはリサイクルすると分解し、エコ糸になり、さまざまなエコバッグに加工することです。カスタマイズ注文がようこそ!あらゆる分野の企業が ESGを実装することで、企業イメージを高め、地球の環境保護に貢献することもできます。

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Happy Mid-Autumn day&National Foundation Day/2020年10月中秋節と建国記念日休業のお知らせ

 Our office will be closed

for Mid-Autumn Festival,  from 1st Oct. to 4th Oct.
for National Foundation Day on 9th Oct.

If you have any question, we will be back on 4th Oct. and 10th Oct., 
reply to your inquiry and question as soon as possible.
Wish you have a nice weekend!
Best regards,

休業期間 2020年10月1日(木)~10月4日(日)、

Thursday, April 30, 2020

SYNCMEN ENTERPRISE CORP. New production-Cloth Mask / シンクメン社の新しい製品-布マスク

Due to COVID-19 breakout in China, some of our customers wrote emails and requested medical masks. Unfortunately, our government prohibit exporting any masks when COVID-19 breakout in China.  However, we try to search our other alternatives since we would like to do something to help our customers.

Now we have four types of cloth masks. Please pay attention that they are not medical masks.
Welcome to visit our website for more information: https://www.syncmen.com.tw/products-list/10/Cloth-Mask



Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Newly designed RPET fabric / 新しいデザインRPET布

This new RPET fabric is so beautiful!
The birds on it looked vivid and cute.
Are you looking forward to making this fabric into a RPET bag?


Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Easter Is Coming! / 復活祭の時節です!

Easter Is Coming!
How many hidden easter eggs can you find?


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Water resistant test for paper bag / 紙袋に水をかける試験

This video simulate a condition of surface printing on paper carrier bag which are exported abroad about one month.


Monday, February 10, 2020

SYNCMEN ENTERPRISE CORP. New production/シンクメン社 新製品

Welcome to visit company website to find new launch shopping bags made from recycled PET bottles(RPET).



Monday, January 20, 2020

Chinese New Year / 祝日のお知らせ

Syncmen will be closed for the Chinese New Year from Jan.22 to Jan.29.
We apologize for any inconveniences!
We wish you a wonderful holiday.
Happy Chinese New Year!!
